Maybe you’ve heard talk about the angel shot online, or perhaps you’ve seen posters displayed around venue bathrooms about it. Regardless of the source of your intrigue, you may be wondering “what is an angel shot?”. Today, we’ll explain what … Continue reading →
Those that have lost their white card information, but wish to continue to work within the construction industry will need to apply for a white card replacement. Fortunately, Express Online Training makes this process simple and straightforward, allowing you to … Continue reading →
This course is currently not available.
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If you are uploading a different submission or image please continue.
The uploaded file must be manually approved before this task will be set to completed and you can continue with your course.
Check that the file meets the following criteria:
If you cannot produce one of the above documents please contact us for details of other documents which may be accepted.
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Competency cards due to expire from 1st February 2020 have had their expiry extended to the end of February 2023.
If you have a current Competency Card you cannot re-complete the course while it is current. This includes any learners in the 28 day renewal period or who have a current NSW RSA Competency Card endorsement but have not received their card.
You can check if you have a Current Competency Card or endorsement here
If you are unsure if you have a current Competency Card or need assistance checking this you must contact our Support Staff
By continuing you accept responsibility for providing correct and accurate information about your Competency Card currency and understand that should you be found ineligible to undertake the course or receive a new NSW RSA Competency Card you may not be entitled to a refund.
Express Online Training can enrol persons into nationally recognised courses who are from Australia or any other country, as long as they are not considered to be an “Overseas Student”.
An “Overseas Student” is defined in the ESOS Act 2000 as a person (whether inside or outside Australia) who holds a student visa (as defined in regulation 1.03 of the Migration Regulations 1994).
This includes the following subclasses of visa:
“Overseas Students” can only enrol in nationally recognised courses with training organisations who are registered on CRICOS as specified in Section 8 of the ESOS Act. EOT is not registered on CRICOS and have no plans to register on CRICOS in the future.
Any person who is not an Australian citizen must have their visa status verified before they can enrol in any nationally recognised course. This check requires the submission of the person's passport/immiCard number and country of issuance, which is then verified automatically using the Department of Home Affairs' VEVO system.
Check your visa subclass:
Department of Home Affairs visa check
To complete this assessment you will need to have the following Learning, Language and Numeracy (LLN) skill levels:
If you are not sure whether your LLN skill levels meet these standards you can use our LLN Self-Assessment Tool.
If you feel you may need assistance with your training, or have any questions please contact us.
For this course you will need to have access to the following PPE items, which meet the Australian Standards as listed below:
Click here to view examples of the required PPE or to purchase the PPE online
Lodge your application by taking the following documentation to a Service Tasmania Shop and paying the appropriate fee:
EOT will provide you with the application form and the Statement of Attainment (certificate) upon successful completion of all the course requirements.
Click here to see the current application fee
Click here to find a Service Tasmania Shop location
An application for a construction induction card must be made within 60 days after the issue of the training certificate.Â
Service Tasmania will review the documentation and forward it to WorkSafe for processing. If you do not receive your card within 60 days from lodgement, you will need to contact WorkSafe.
For the purposes of this condition an 'eligible RSA certification' means a current RSA certification or endorsement from another State or Territory held for completing an RSA course or RSA refresher course provided:
Why we collect your personal information
As a registered training organisation (RTO), we collect your personal information so we can process and manage your enrolment in a vocational education and training (VET) course with us. If you do not provide your information, we cannot enrol you in one of our courses.
How we use your personal information
We use your personal information to enable us to deliver VET courses to you, and otherwise, as needed, to comply with our obligations as an RTO.
How we disclose your personal information
We are required by law (under the National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 (Cth) (NVETR Act)) to disclose the personal information we collect about you to the National VET Data Collection kept by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research Ltd (NCVER). The NCVER is responsible for collecting, managing, analysing and communicating research and statistics about the Australian VET sector.
We are also authorised by law (under the NVETR Act) to disclose your personal information to the relevant state or territory training authority.
For more detailed information, refer to EOT’s Privacy Policy
How the NCVER and other bodies handle your personal information
The NCVER will collect, hold, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with the law, including the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) and the NVETR Act. Your personal information may be used and disclosed by NCVER for purposes that include populating authenticated VET transcripts; administration of VET; facilitation of statistics and research relating to education, including surveys and data linkage; and understanding the VET market.
The NCVER is authorised to disclose information to the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (DESE), Commonwealth authorities, State and Territory authorities (other than registered training organisations) that deal with matters relating to VET and VET regulators for the purposes of those bodies, including to enable:
The NCVER may also disclose personal information to persons engaged by NCVER to conduct research on NCVER’s behalf.
The NCVER does not intend to disclose your personal information to any overseas recipients.
For more information about how the NCVER will handle your personal information please refer to the NCVER’s Privacy Policy at
If you would like to seek access to or correct your information, in the first instance, please contact your RTO using the contact details listed below.
DESE is authorised by law, including the Privacy Act and the NVETR Act, to collect, use and disclose your personal information to fulfil specified functions and activities. For more information about how the DESE will handle your personal information, please refer to the DESE VET Privacy Notice at
You may receive a student survey which may be run by a government department or an NCVER employee, agent, third-party contractor or another authorised agency. Please note you may opt out of the survey at the time of being contacted.
Contact information
At any time, you may contact EOT to:
Phone: 1300 720 104
The purpose of the Disability supplement is to provide additional information to assist with answering the disability question.
Disability in this context does not include short-term disabling health conditions such as a fractured leg, influenza, or corrected physical conditions such as impaired vision managed by wearing glasses or lenses.
If you indicated the presence of a disability, impairment or long-term condition, please select the area(s) in the following list:
Hearing impairment is used to refer to a person who has an acquired mild, moderate, severe or profound hearing loss after learning to speak, communicates orally and maximises residual hearing with the assistance of amplification. A person who is deaf has a severe or profound hearing loss from, at, or near birth and mainly relies upon vision to communicate, whether through lip reading, gestures, cued speech, finger spelling and/or sign language.
A physical disability affects the mobility or dexterity of a person and may include a total or partial loss of a part of the body. A physical disability may have existed since birth or may be the result of an accident, illness, or injury suffered later in life; for example, amputation, arthritis, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, paraplegia, quadriplegia or post-polio syndrome.
In general, the term ‘intellectual disability’ is used to refer to low general intellectual functioning and difficulties in adaptive behaviour, both of which conditions were manifested before the person reached the age of 18. It may result from infection before or after birth, trauma during birth, or illness.
A general term that refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities. These disorders are intrinsic to the individual, presumed to be due to central nervous system dysfunction, and may occur across the life span. Problems in self-regulatory behaviours, social perception, and social interaction may exist with learning disabilities but do not by themselves constitute a learning disability.
Mental illness
Mental illness refers to a cluster of psychological and physiological symptoms that cause a person suffering or distress and which represent a departure from a person’s usual pattern and level of functioning.
Acquired brain impairment
Acquired brain impairment is injury to the brain that results in deterioration in cognitive, physical, emotional or independent functioning. Acquired brain impairment can occur as a result of trauma, hypoxia, infection, tumour, accidents, violence, substance abuse, degenerative neurological diseases or stroke. These impairments may be either temporary or permanent and cause partial or total disability or psychosocial maladjustment.
This covers a partial loss of sight causing difficulties in seeing, up to and including blindness. This may be present from birth or acquired as a result of disease, illness or injury.
Medical condition
Medical condition is a temporary or permanent condition that may be hereditary, genetically acquired or of unknown origin. The condition may not be obvious or readily identifiable, yet may be mildly or severely debilitating and result in fluctuating levels of wellness and sickness, and/or periods of hospitalisation; for example, HIV/AIDS, cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, Crohn’s disease, cystic fibrosis, asthma or diabetes.
A disability, impairment or long-term condition which is not suitably described by one or several disability types in combination. Autism spectrum disorders are reported under this category.
As of July 2019, new conditions from WorkSafe will affect your eligibility to complete the White Card course online.
If you enroll before July 19th 2019 you will have until September 6th 2019 to complete your course. If you do not complete your course in time you may not be eligible to re-enroll under the new conditions. Should you not complete your course before the cut off date, and are not eligible to enroll again, you will not be provided with a refund.
To check if you will be eligible to enroll in the online course after July 19th 2019
All staff and learners are expected to maintain high standards of academic honesty and integrity.
General misconduct is where a learner acts dishonestly, harasses other learners or staff, interferes with students or staff, prevents or disrupts the learning of others, disobeys/fails to comply with contractual or legal requirements, damages or steals EOT property or Intellectual Property (IP) or the property of others, alters, defaces or improperly accesses EOTs documents or records, prejudices the reputation of EOT or otherwise acts in an improper manner. General misconduct includes the misuse of any facility in a manner which is illegal or which is or will be detrimental to the rights or property of others. This includes the misuse, in any way, of any computing or communications equipment or capacity to which the learner has access.
Academic misconduct is defined as any attempt to cheat, falsify, plagiarise or otherwise act dishonestly in undertaking an assessment task, or assisting other learners to do so. This includes any attempt to gain advantage from unauthorised possession or use of EOTs learning or assessment materials or other intellectual property.
Learners may be accused of cheating if they seek to gain advantage by unfair means such as copying another students’ work, or in any way mislead or deceive a trainer/assessor about their knowledge, identity, ability, or the amount of original work they have done. Cheating can include collusion or plagiarism or any other method of presenting the work of another person without acknowledgment or referencing.
Cheating may also include breaching any process for undertaking assessment tasks, compromising the assessment activities of other learners, or impersonating a learner or facilitating a person to impersonate a learner in any assessment activity.
Any attempt or conspiracy to attempt academic misconduct is still academic misconduct, regardless of whether or not the attempt was successful.
For the purpose of assessment preparation and submission, learners are not permitted to work in collaboration with others.
Any person accused of misconduct are regarded as innocent of the alleged misconduct until they have either admitted to it or been found by proper inquiry to have so behaved.
Where general or academic misconduct has occurred by a learner, EOT will take disciplinary action. This action may include, but is not limited to:
Learners are notified in writing of penalties as a consequence of any misconduct. The grounds for appeal are:
Appeals must be lodged in writing with the Training Operations Manager by writing to within 20 days of the date of the learner being notified of the penalty. The appeal process commences within 10 working days from the date of receipt of the learner’s appeal.
The process for making an appeal depends on the nature of the alleged misconduct and may require one or more of the following:
In the event that a learner has engaged in academic misconduct or general misconduct and the penalty includes cancellation of enrolment resulting in the learner being unable to receive the unit of competency, and/or exclusion from other EOT courses, EOT will review the offence to determine if there are grounds for a refund.
Whether or not a refund is granted is at the discretion of EOT. A decision will be made in line with EOT’s Refund Policy. If a refund is granted, EOT will deduct an administration fee from the refund amount for time and resources used in providing administrative support services to the learner. The administration fee is 50% of the course(s) and any other relevant fees (current 01/01/2019).
If you need to complete your Audio Assessment urgently you can call in and complete the final questions with an assessor.
You can call to speak to an assessor at 02 9119 2287 or +612 9119 2287 during business hours.
Have you completed an accredited RSA course previously?
Do you hold any of the following?
Current or Recently Expired NSW RSA Competency Card
If you have a current Competency Card you cannot re-complete the course to renew it while it is current. This includes any learners in the 28 day renewal period or who have a current NSW RSA Competency Card endorsement but have not received their card.
You can check if you have a Current Competency Card or endorsement here
If you choose to continue you must declare below that you understand that your existing competency card endorsement(s) will not be renewed. By continuing you accept responsibility for providing correct and accurate information about your NSW RSA currency and understand that should you be found ineligible to undertake the course or renew your NSW RSA you may not be entitled to a refund.
NSW RSA Interim Certificate issued within 5 years from the "Valid for duties date"
If you have a current NSW RSA interim certificate issued within 5 years from the "Valid for duties" you cannot complete the NSW RSA course again. You must visit a Service NSW centre with your Interim Certificate to obtain your card.
You can check if you have a Current Competency Card or endorsement here
By continuing you accept responsibility for providing correct and accurate information about your NSW RSA currency, understanding that this will not renew your NSW RSA and that should you be found ineligible to undertake or renew your NSW RSA by completing the course you may not be entitled to a refund.
Is your RSA current and issued by a Registered Training Organisation or a state/territory approved training organisation?
Are you planning to reside permanently in NSW?
You may be eligible to receive the NSW RSA by completing a bridging course
If you wish to apply to Liquor & Gaming NSW to complete their RSA bridging course, please note that EOT cannot confirm if your interstate RSA will be accepted, and it is your responsibility to research and confirm you meet the eligibility requirements.
You may be eligible to work temporarily in NSW using your current RSA
If you wish to temporarily work in NSW under Automatic Mutual Recognition, please note that EOT cannot confirm if your interstate RSA is eligible, and it is your cresponsibility to research and confirm you meet the eligibility requirements before commencing work in NSW.
Your account has been flagged, and you CANNOT proceed with your course at this stage. We will email you with the next steps or outcome from here.
If you did not receive the email or require further assistance please contact us. Provide the reference number:
You must be 14 years old to undertake this course. You cannot proceed any further as you do NOT meet the minimum age requirement. If there is an issue with your details and you do meet the age requirement please contact us at (02) 8259 0310 or