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How old do you have to be to get an RSA?

Whether you’re a high school student looking for a part time job, or a trade apprentice that wants to make some extra cash on the side, you may be wondering how old do you have to be to get an RSA?

In today’s article, we’ll cover the age requirements for getting a Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) certificate across the different states and territories of Australia.

What is an RSA?

An RSA stands for the Responsible Service of Alcohol. It’s a course that teaches those interested in working within the alcohol sale and service industry the legal requirements of serving alcohol responsibly. This includes the age somebody needs to be before they can buy alcohol, and signs of intoxication, among other points.

How old do you have to be to get an RSA?

In Australia, each state and territory has its own laws on who can get an RSA certificate. Generally speaking, you must be at least 18 years old to utilise your RSA certification. However, in many states it’s possible to gain your RSA if you are under 18 (you just likely won’t be able to use it in a professional setting before turning 18).

How old do you have to be to get an RSA in NSW?

In NSW you can enrol in an RSA course from the age of 13 years onwards, however, it’s typically recommended that students wait until 16 or 17 years of age to undertake their RSA training. This is due to the fact that minors (even those with RSAs) are unable to serve alcohol in NSW. The only time minors may be permitted to serve alcohol in the state is if they are approved to do so by the Independent Liquor & Gaming Authority (ILGA). So, can a 14 year old get an RSA in NSW? Yes, but it might be better for them to wait a few years so they’re closer to the time when they can legally use it.

How old do you have to be to get an RSA in QLD?

In Queensland, there’s no minimum age for obtaining an RSA certificate under the Liquor Act 1992. Within the state, those under the age of 18 are allowed to be employed to serve or supply alcohol, except in venues that have an adult entertainment permit. Adult entertainment permit venues are those that allow the provision of sexually explicit entertainment. Provided the business does not have an adult entertainment permit, a minor with a valid RSA can serve and supply alcohol at a licensed venue. This includes at hotels, restaurants, and cafes.

How old do you have to be to get an RSA in Victoria?

In Victoria, you’re legally able to obtain an RSA certificate while still a minor. However, within this state a person cannot serve or supply alcohol until they are 18 years old. If you currently have an RSA obtained in another state or territory, you’ll need to complete a free bridging course to serve alcohol in Victoria. To complete this bridging course, participants will need to be at least 16 years of age.

How old do you have to be to get an RSA in ACT?

ACT law allows those under the age of 18 to undertake their RSA training. Within the ACT, it’s illegal for those under the age of 18 to serve or supply liquor within an adults-only area of a permitted or licensed premises. Persons under the age of 18 may work in an adults-only area, provided they do not serve alcohol. Those under the age of 18 with a valid RSA are allowed to serve patrons liquor in non adult-only areas, such as with dinner in a restaurant.

How old do you have to be to get an RSA in NT?

Those under the age of 18 may complete their RSA certificate in the Northern Territory. A person must be at least 16 years and 8 months old to sell, supply, or serve liquor in the state. Those over the age of 15 but under the age of 16 years and 8 months may be granted special permission to sell, supply, or serve alcohol by the Director Liquor Licensing in exceptional circumstances, but limitations would apply. For minors over the age of 16 years and 8 months, permission may be given to a licensee for either an existing employee or someone undergoing employment training to partake in bar or server duties. The minor must have an RSA to perform these tasks.

How old do you have to be to get an RSA in SA?

In South Australia, a person must be at least 17 years of age to undertake their RSA training. While an SA RSA certificate may be completed by a person that’s under the age of 18, that person cannot serve alcohol until they turn 18.

How old do you have to be to get an RSA in WA?

A person under the age of 18 may obtain an RSA in Western Australia. Those aged 16 years of age or older that have been given prior approval by the Director of Liquor Licensing are allowed to be employed or engaged at a licensed premises, provided it meets the right conditions. This includes that the alcohol is served in conjunction with a meal, and that the work carried out by the minor is supervised at all times.

Where to get an RSA online

Express Online Training provides a number of RSA courses online that can be completed from home and at your own pace. Our online RSA courses are available 24/7, with local support available 7 days a week for any questions you may have. These courses can also be stopped and resumed at any time, and completed across many different devices, as needed.

Examples of our RSA courses include:

There’s also the RSA Australia Online, which is valid for work in Queensland, Western Australia, South Australia, the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory, and Tasmania.

In Australia, the minimum age a person needs to be to obtain an RSA certificate varies from state to state. If you’re under the age of 18, it’s important to familiarise yourself with the age requirements for undertaking an RSA course within your state or territory before starting the relevant course.

Interested in obtaining your RSA? Express Online Training is a Registered Training Organisation that offers a wide range of RSA courses, designed to provide participants with the skills and knowledge required for working in the hospitality industry.


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    RSA Competency Check

    Have you completed an accredited RSA course previously?

    Do you hold any of the following?

    Current or Recently Expired NSW RSA Competency Card

    If you have a current Competency Card you cannot re-complete the course to renew it while it is current. This includes any learners in the 28 day renewal period or who have a current NSW RSA Competency Card endorsement but have not received their card.

    You can check if you have a Current Competency Card or endorsement here

    If you choose to continue you must declare below that you understand that your existing competency card endorsement(s) will not be renewed. By continuing you accept responsibility for providing correct and accurate information about your NSW RSA currency and understand that should you be found ineligible to undertake the course or renew your NSW RSA you may not be entitled to a refund.

    NSW RSA Interim Certificate issued within 5 years from the "Valid for duties date"

    If you have a current NSW RSA interim certificate issued within 5 years from the "Valid for duties" you cannot complete the NSW RSA course again. You must visit a Service NSW centre with your Interim Certificate to obtain your card.

    You can check if you have a Current Competency Card or endorsement here

    By continuing you accept responsibility for providing correct and accurate information about your NSW RSA currency, understanding that this will not renew your NSW RSA and that should you be found ineligible to undertake or renew your NSW RSA by completing the course you may not be entitled to a refund.

    Is your RSA current and issued by a Registered Training Organisation or a state/territory approved training organisation?

    Are you planning to reside permanently in NSW?

    You may be eligible to receive the NSW RSA by completing a bridging course

    If you wish to apply to Liquor & Gaming NSW to complete their RSA bridging course, please note that EOT cannot confirm if your interstate RSA will be accepted, and it is your responsibility to research and confirm you meet the eligibility requirements.

    You may be eligible to work temporarily in NSW using your current RSA

    If you wish to temporarily work in NSW under Automatic Mutual Recognition, please note that EOT cannot confirm if your interstate RSA is eligible, and it is your cresponsibility to research and confirm you meet the eligibility requirements before commencing work in NSW.